BEST PRICE Original FAt EBIKE! $2799 Only" Since 2017
✕Home of Australian 45kmh+ ebikes JUMBO Beast "Best of BEST"
✕Built in Australia; Beautifully crafted eBike
To be updated soon
Yes. You can with the un-restricted version only. The throttle works like a mini e-moped ; but it’s not recommended to use the throttle only to take off nor for an extensive long periods of time. It is an e-bicycle after all.
E.Bike batteries should last up to 5 years before dropping to the 50% of the original capacity or even lower. The degeneration occurs gradually.
We have a short video illustrating the steps . We will have also supplied basic tools in the box for you. You could also seek help from a local shop.
Most parts are just regular bike parts. You could get help from any bike store. If you ever counter any electrical issue (which is actually rare), we can remotely diagnose the issue and send over the replacement parts. We could also arrange a courier pick up and have it serviced in Sydney.
What it is like to go fast on an eBike ? VOLT is our former name.